

This projects is centres around enabling wider access to the carbon credit industry. There’s a definition of the carbon credit industry here if needed - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/carbon_credit.asp

The C-Charge project states that the carbon credit industry, which is designed to encourage big businesses to emit less carbon, is only really accessible to big corporations. Through this project and use of the blockchain, C+Charge will bring carbon credit to the masses.

To break it down, there are plenty of aspects to this project that could be written about.

The Token

The $CCHG token will be used to in the C+Charge economy. It has the following use cases:

Carbon Credits

EV drivers and token holders who use the $CCHG token can earn carbon credits using the token as proof. This means C+Charge is the first EV charging solution that rewards drivers with carbon credits for driving ut

The App

C+Charge's mobile application will become the central platform for all EV owners' charging needs. Aside from managing payments, the app will manage all the end-to-end activities associated with the charging process. The app will have the following features: